There are three groups of indications of HBOT approve in Slovakia
- pina (primary) – HBOT has decisive effect on the final outcome of treatment
- II.group (secondary) – HBOT has significant positive effect in the final outcome of treatment
- III. group – obligate indications
- Gas poisoning
- Crush syndrome
- Decompression sickness
- Gas embolism
- Severe bacterial infections
- Diabetes mellitus with complications
- Ischemic ulcers in PAOD
- Complications of varicose veins of the lower extremities
- Implant surgery
- Post radiation – induced tissue lesions
- Sudden deafness
- Osteomyelitis
- Brain injury, spinal cord and peripheral nerve damage
- Postural lesions of the CNS
- Acute ophthalmologic events
- Non Healing wounds
- Burns and frostbite
Indications approved in Europe:
The list of indications is a pan-European consensus which is supported by scientific evidence and has been approved by EUBS (European Underwater and Baromedical Society) and ECHM (European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine):
Acute conditions
- Air and gas embolism
- Decompression illness
- Poisoning with carbon monoxide
- Clostridial myonecrosis (gouty sneezing)
- Other aggressive infections – mainly necrotizing soft tissue infections, necrotizing fasciitis including Fournier’s gangrene
- Crush injury, severe acute traumatic soft tissue ischaemia, compartment syndrome
- Burns
- Sudden deafness
- Severe bleeding etiology anemia
- Early phase of obesity
Chronic conditions
- Ischemic grafts and lobes
- Refractory osteomyelitis
- Radiation damage to the bones and soft tissues (cystitis, proctitis, enteritis)
- Problematic and difficult healing wounds
- Neuroblastoma IV. stage